European Defence Agency (EDA) – R&T-projects

What are the EDA R&T-projects?

The European Defence Agency supports through the Research, Technology and Innovation Directorate several types of R&T-projects and programmes.

  • Operational budget (OB) projects, conducted with the EDA’s own operational budget. These are usually limited to small exploratory or feasibility studies.
  • Ad Hoc Category A projects or programmes, set-up with participation of all EDA Member States, with a possibility to opt out.
  • Ad Hoc Category B projects or programmes, set up in a partnership between at least two EDA Member States, financed by contributions from the participating Member States and implemented by a consortium of research institutions and companies from these participating Member States.

Ad Hoc Category B projects are the most common EDA R&T-projects.

Who can participate?

For OB studies, any research organisation or industry can participate, depending the specifications of the call.

Cat A and Cat B programs and projects are set up as a partnership between at least two Member States, facilitated by the EDA, and executed by a consortium of research and technology organisations (RTOs) and enterprises of the participating Member States.

The engagement to participate and to contribute to the funding is signed by the MOD on behalf of the Belgian government. In parallel, the research contract is negotiated and signed between the EDA and the consortium.

How to participate in an Ad Hoc Cat A or Cat B project or program?

Participation in Ad Hoc Cat A or Cat B projects or programmes is limited to the members of the Capability Technology Groups (CapTechs).

As the preparation and negotiation of international collaborative research projects is a very long proces, the National CapTech Coordinator should be informed as soon as possible about the interest to participate in an project or programme.

Preparation process

Cat A and Cat B projects or programmes are prepared in the Capability Technology Groups.

Terms & conditions

The project and program arrangements, including financial aspect, are developed in detail in an ad hoc project agreement between Member States.

This includes the value of the contribution of the participating Member States, expressed in budget or in kind contribution (possibly via national contracts), and possible industrial contributions.

The Belgian Defence policy is :

  • to contribute financially to the projects via the EDA bank account;
  • to consider the participation of Defence entities as in-kind contributions;
  • to request a minimum of industrial contribution of 50% from the participating Belgian industry.