To make the follow-up and periodic adjustment of the DIRS and the specific supporting policy as effective as possible, a three-tier governance system has been put in place.

The Industrial Defence Council will be chaired by representatives of the Minister of Defence and the Minister of the Economy and Employment and will consist of representatives of the Minister of Finance, Sustainable Development, SMEs and Foreign Trade and of the State Secretary for Economic Recovery and Strategic Investments, with top experts from the industry, science, defence and international law, together with representatives of the Federal Holding and Investment Company (SFPI-FPIM). They will advise the government on the strategic guidance of the increased defence effort to ensure that the increased defence expenditure leads to a strengthening of the defence-related technological and industrial base in Belgium.

The DIRS steering committee meets periodically, in plenary or ad hoc configuration depending on the topics on the agenda. It provides the necessary guidance to the DIRS management cell in the context of their respective areas of competence and will, in collaboration with the Industrial Defence Council, provide policy advice to the government.

The composition of the DIRS Steering Committee will be as follows:

  • For Defence: a representative of the Defence Cabinet, the Vice-Chief of Defence, the National Armaments Director, the Assistant Chief of Staff for Strategic Affairs and the Director General of the Royal Higher Institute for Defence.
  • For Economics: a representative of the Economics Cabinet, the Director General of the General Directorate of Economic Analyses and International Economy.
  • Advisory members.

A number of technological advisory committees will be established, organised either vertically around certain capability objectives or horizontally around cross-application know-how and technology.

In addition to the technological advisory committees, a specific advisory committee will be dedicated to monitoring and adjusting the strategy. This administrative advisory committee will assist the DIRS steering committee through the DIRS management cell in directing and formulating policy advice to the political government. In addition to representatives of Defence (e.g., delegate NAD, DGMR, RHID) and the FPS Economy, representatives of industrial, academic and technological actors that may be relevant to administrative matters can also participate by invitation.

The DIRS management cell is the engine of the whole governance system and guarantees a dynamic and goal-oriented operation. It is composed of employees who have the necessary knowledge, competencies and experience in the field of project and budget management, defence-related research and development, and the capacity support of the Belgian and European security and defence policy.

The DIRS management cell that falls under the RHID will become a permanent structural part and will be expanded to further shape the development and implementation of the DIRS. The FPS Economy can delegate policy officers and/or experts to the DIRS management cell within a functionally integrated approach.

The DIRS management cell reports in due time about the progress of the development and operationalisation of the DIRS to the board of directors of the RHID. The DIRS management cell reports to the DIRS steering committee so that it can provide the necessary guidance in the context of each member’s respective area of responsibility.

The DIRS management cell will be equipped with the necessary resources to achieve the further development and implementation of the DIRS. If necessary, the RHID can use part of the allocated resources to strengthen the national technological and industrial base in the field of security and defence by purchasing the necessary expertise and services.