NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO)


What is the NATO Science and Technology Organisation?

The NATO Science and Technology Organisation (STO) is a NATO subsidiary body having the same legal status as NATO itself and created within the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty signed in Washington in 1949. It has been established with a view to meeting to best advantage the collective needs of NATO, NATO nations and partner nations in the fields of science and technology.

The STO is composed of the Science and Technology Board (STB), the Chief Scientist and the three executive bodies: the Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS), the Collaborative Support Office (CSO) and the Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE). The three executive bodies of the STO report to the STB, which exercises governance over these bodies.

  • The NATO Chief Scientist ensures, daily and routinely, that all the STB’s decisions are complied with by the executive bodies, the CSO and the CMRE.
  • The CSO supports the collaborative business model whereby NATO nations and partner nations contribute their national resources to define, conduct and promote cooperative research and information exchange. This collaborative effort is addressed by six technical panels (TPs) made up of national representatives as well as scientists and information specialists:
    • Applied Vehicle Technology
    • Human Factors and Medicine
    • Information Systems Technology
    • System Analysis and Studies
    • Systems Concepts and Integration
    • Sensors and Electronics Technology
  • The Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE) is an established, world-class scientific research and experimentation facility that organises and conducts scientific research and technology development, centred on the maritime domain, delivering innovative and field tested science & technology (S&T) solutions to address defence and security needs.

The Collaborative Programme of Work

In any given year, there are over 6000 scientists and engineers from NATO and its partners working on approximately 300 research activities conducted by the technical teams. In all cases, these activities result in the publication of highly valued scientific literature published by the STO. The research results can also be found in some specific peer-reviewed journals.

How to get involved in the STO network?

You can join the research teams as part of the STO’s Collaborative Programme of Work through a specific application (APPOINT). Default roles at level 3 (technical teams and exploratory teams) are chair (leading), member (active) or observer (passive).

If you wish to join one of the STO’s managing committees (i.e. level 2), you should not use APPOINT. Instead, please contact the Belgian national coordinator, designated to facilitate Belgian’s participation in the STO and assist his national science & technology board (STB) delegation.

Sign up to Science Connect – STO Activities Database (
